Sunday, 9 March 2008

'Niras' Bangkok

"Niras" is one kind of Thai poem. It is composed when a poet has left the place where he belongs.

I wonder if Khun Thaksin writes a niras, what will he put into each line?

Grief, Sorrow, Anger, Pitiness, Forgive, Unforgive, etc.

His action at Suvarnabhumi airport was interpreted into a thousand ways. Scholars, Sympathizers, Supporters, opponents, etc. shared their opinions in many places including newspapers, TV, radios, and websites.

A family reunion after a year and six months.

After this, he will spend times fighting in courts. Meanwhile, Thai politics will be more and more interesting.

Gosh, I still wanna know who killed the people in the New Year bombing 2006!
Ps. I saw this in Asia Portal, it's about the 2006 coup and beyond. Interesting.

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