Saturday, 22 March 2008

Do Southeast Asians have entrepreneurial mind?

While I am working on my assignment about the connection of Southeast Asia to the world economy in the ninteenth century. A question came up; Do Southeast Asians have an entrepreneurial mind?

World capitalist system arrived in the region in many ways; An expansion of colonial empires from Britain, Dutch, Spain, France, and the U.S. Also, the Chinese and Indians came to the region for their economic activities.

Colonial powers as well as the Chinese and Indians were major forces in transforming the region to become a part of world's market.

Had natives initiated their own businesses?

One theory suggests that Southeast Asian farmers were formally self-sufficient. Then, after an arrival of colonial powers, they were drawn into the market economy.

Another theory shows that Southeast Asia was already part of World market (like Tony Reid's SEA in the Age of Commerce) but not in the perfect form, not consistence.

I argue that SEAsians do have entrepreneurial mind.

King Rama III of Siam had de-monopolized some economic activities even before the arrival of Sir. John Bowring. Furthermore, Burmese smallholders themselves were the intermidiaries for the selling/buying of goods to the British. In Java, after communal land system was demolished, Javanese competed to own land for cultivation.

Let's discuss.

Ps. Irawaddi's slide show on Burma's road to independence. Nice pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, what entrepreneur can be definited?

I understand that this is a general question, but I always answer things showing every possible sides.

What do you feel about "Do Asians have artistic mind?"

Art in this world came from many origins. It depends on how would you devide it; by the region, by the times, by the styles etc. For example, European art and Asian art are definitely different. They are diiferent because they were originated from different varios tradition, custom, history etc.

I'm not sure if you could picture what I'm trying to explain. Anyway, the conclusion of my idea is you cannot compare the entrepreneurial mind of Asian people to those from the West.

Base from the truth that most of the things on this world at present are claasified and ruled by the Westerns. The standard of things today depends on their thoughts. They created the standard, while there are no equal standard in this world's various nations.

Therefore, if you are asking whether Asians are entrepreneurial-minded types based on European entrepreneurial theory, I do not think so you would get the answer.