The election result from Malaysia makes me think of what's going on in Indonesia.
If anyone can remember, in Nov 2007, Indonesia won the Democracy Awards from International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) for its progress toward democracy for the past nine years. An interesting thing is, usually this award will be given to individuals e.g.Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, etc. But this time, it is given to the entire nation!
Yeah, since its independence in 1945, this might be the time that can be called the 'calmest' period so far. But the diversity and, especially, the uneaqual policies from the state could possibly lead to a grave situation.
In Indonesia, Shariah Law could create fractions among the people. Even though 90 per cent of the population is muslims, but the majority of people are moderate, not fundamental. Is it a time to reconsider since not that many poeple are recieving a benefit form it?
In Malaysia, Bhumi-Putra policy stemmed from biases against the other races. But it was understandable from the context in history.
But at present, isn't it the time to reconsider? Isn't the election result starting to prove something?
So, what are these policies lead to?
I hope the answer is peace.
Ps. Irawaddy magazine had an interview with "Ad Carabao", a famouse Thai singer, on his support to free Shan State here.