I only knew of Prof.Yoneo Ishii's death (12th Feb) from ajarn Nidhi's article in Matichon Weekly this week.
Ajarn Nidhi talks about ajarn Ishii's love for Thailand and Thai studies and how his skills in Southeast Asian studies were trained in a different way, unlike the very specialized way as it is at the present. (sorry I couldn't bring the whole article here)
True, love creates illusion. But what does not? as far as we are bounded in this gigantic web?
As a student in a new generation, I could only imagine what it was like in the times of our predecessors. The best we can do is to read their works with our eyes open, and to try to comprehend them in the context that they were written.
The foundation has been laid. The next generation steps further.
Dr. Yoneo Ishii is President of The National Institutes for the Humanities. He taught Southeast Asian History at Kyoto University (1965-1990), where he also served as director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (1985-1990). He then became professor of Southeast Asian History at Sophia University (1990-1997), and became the chair of the Japan UNESCO National Commission from 1998-1999, and President of Kanda University of International Studies. His major publications in English include Thailand: A Rice-growing Society; Sangha, State and Society: Thai Buddhism in History; and Junk Trade from Southeast Asia.